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              精品的一区二区三区,亚洲欧美在线精品一区二区,福利一区二区视频,高清欧美一区二区免费影视 久久精品免费一区二区三区,爱福利一区二区,一区二区在线免费观看,成人精品一区二区三区中文字幕
              Hello, welcome to the Jiangsu Ideal Valve Co., Ltd. official website!
              TEL:+86-515-87214888      EMAIL:fnjslxfy@163.com      

              Electric valve safety operation rules

              Carefully read the valve manual to understand the basic structure and principle

              1. Carefully read the valve manual to understand the basic structure and principle.

              2. Operation steps of electric valve.

              2.1 Close the air switch of each circuit, when the "on-site or remote control" indicator light is on, switch the "on-site" or "remote" control according to the needs, according to the "close in place" or "open in place" indicator lights, and then choose to open or close the valve operation . Note: When the valve is not closed in place, the "close in place" or "open in place" indicator will not light up. Red light means "valve open in place" or "on-site" control, green light means "valve close in place" or "remote" control.

              2.2 To manually open and close, press the manual and automatic switch and rotate the valve at the same time, the "clockwise" direction is to close the valve, the pointer points to 0° when it is closed, and the "counterclockwise" direction is to open the valve, and the pointer is open when it is fully open. Point to 90°.

              欧美在线精品一区二区在线观看,欧美日韩午夜精品不卡视频,欧美一级淫片免费播放口,欧美日韩国内 精品的一区二区三区,亚洲欧美在线精品一区二区,福利一区二区视频,高清欧美一区二区免费影视 久久精品免费一区二区三区,爱福利一区二区,一区二区在线免费观看,成人精品一区二区三区中文字幕
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